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Self-Reliance, Independent Living, and College

Updated: May 15, 2024

I know you’re full of excitement as you finalize details about where you're going to college, register for orientation, pay depositions and get ready for graduation.  There is so much happening right now, that it may have you in a complete whirlwind. To stay on track for all things high school and also incorporate a little “adulting” into your life, I have a few tips for how to build those muscles and begin living independently while you’re still at home:

1.      Wake up on your own. 

As a college student, you will be responsible for getting up and getting to classes and meetings on time. While your parents may be able to provide the occasional wake-up call, what they cannot provide is a note to excuse an absence or tardy.  In addition, some classes do not take attendance, so getting there and being present for class is all on you.  Practice now.

2.      Manage your own schedule.

This is slightly different than waking up on your own.  Still time management, but instead of being told by your parents/guardian what you have, you know.  Now, you may need to coordinate a ride if you don’t drive, but knowing what’s on your schedule each day puts you in the driver’s seat, so to speak.

3.      Read at least 20 minutes each day.

Daily reading prepares you for college expectations.  Homework is probably not being assigned as regularly now that we’re into testing season (EOC, APs, etc.) but we can still maintain habits.  Try reading at least 20-45 minutes per day.  Read a thriller, romance, novel, or fantasy.  Just pick a genre to get yourself into the habit of reading to soften the blow in the fall.

4.      Do your own laundry.

This is small, but important.  Many colleges now include laundry in your room and board, so you no longer have to wait until you go home to get it done.  It also can provide an opportunity for you to ready/study while you hang out waiting for your colors to dry.  Most importantly, learning now means you won’t ruin your favorite ‘fit when it’s time to go out.

5.      Track your money/finances.

College costs and you may find yourself spending money in a much different way.  Between now and the fall, track the money you spend and others spend on you for one week.  Begin to get a sense of where your money goes and how you will manage it when you get to college.

6.      Check college stats.

You’ve probably already decided where you’re going to college, but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn more about your school of choice. You probably already know the general graduation and student-teacher ratios, but find out the stats for your major and demographics (race, gender, vet status, etc.). This can give you a much better idea of what you’re dealing with as you begin college and where using campus resources will come in handy.

So while many of the suggestions I make are while you’re in the thick of it, not everything has to wait until you start classes. Why not do what you can now to prepare for the independence, expectations, and excitement of college life. 

If you want to start college like a badass and you're ready to invest in coaching to help reach your academic goals, click here to schedule your discovery call. Let's work together and get you on the path to thriving as a college student!

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